After Tuesday’s report of 1,907 new infections without those from Salzburg, today, Wednesday, all provinces are complete. In today’s notification, yesterday’s new infection figures from Salzburg have been corrected. For this reason, there are 2,781 new infections today, Wednesday.
On Tuesday, the province of Salzburg transmitted incorrect case numbers, these have now been corrected. In the past 24 hours, 128 new infections were added in Salzburg, yesterday there had been 109.
The most new infections since Tuesday were reported by Vienna with 687 cases, in Lower Austria 507, in Upper Austria 458. 331 new infected persons were added in Tyrol, 304 in Styria, 171 in Vorarlberg. Carinthia reported 121 new cases and Burgenland 74. The 2,781 new infections are now again above the average of the past seven days, when 2,420 new cases were added daily.
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